Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I've been trying to sift through all the info on sunscreen to come up with the best solution for my family.  I am the type of person that wants to find one product and stick to it, it is all about streamlining the process.  I have been avoiding the ordinary sunscreens due to the concern over estrogenic active ingredients.  Although it is my understanding that with testing on adults although found in their urine and blood, it didn't appear to affect their overall testosterone or estrogen levels.  But when i think about putting that on my babies... it is scary!  They have three times the relative surface area of an adult.  In addition, I have been concerned about nanoparticles and their ability to permeate the skin and body tissues, making their way into the blood stream.  There just doesn't seem to be enough information on them yet.  I just read this Scientific American article through the EWG's website,  I found it very interesting.   Also EWG's  has some great recommendations... actually for all skincare.  But, these can all get pretty pricey, especially when i consider how much we go through.  We just recently found Jason's Sunbrellas Mineral Sunscreen on sale at Whole Foods and really like it.  But it would be expensive otherwise.  So I would be curious for some feedback on this issue and to know what others use.  Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel dumb Jen hah! You totally posted the same article and I did honestly read what you said! hah! any rate. I just ordered the badger sunscreen on there. I can let you know what I think after we use it.

  3. trust me i totally understand! yes, i have heard about that sunscreen... would love to hear how you like it.

  4. we use mexitan and like it. it is a bit pricey, but not horrible. i forget the website we ordered from last year, but there was a discount for buying a 6 bottle case. we tend to use it only at peak times and stay in the shade lots.

  5. we have used SO SO many "natural sunscreens" over all my parenting years... it makes me sick to think about all of the money that we have spent/ wasted on bogus sunscreen just to find out that it was junk. either because of secretly added this, unlabeled that, attraction to mosquitos, residue or the major one... actual protection from the sun!!! I cannot even express the misery in trying a new one and the sleepless night that comes after the sunburns... It's so frustrating. please don't take me as cynical... I just wanted to raise this issue - We (by suggestion from our pediatrician) give frequent epson salt bathes to help with detoxing etc.) you also have to be careful with for many reasons... but that is another topic. :)
    all that being said, we have currently settled (for now) on arbonne's baby sunscreen it's SPF 30 it's good for the fair to the more olive and darker complexions and is very gentle for sensitive skin. it's $22 and a great value for the amount. you can also check out this link at to help in research of other brands. I have never tried the mexitan products but they have a great reputation and a comprehensive website and have considered trying their products this summer, sunscreen and bug repellant.
    thanks for letting me share...Lisa Hickman

  6. yes lisa i also after reading monica's post researched mexitan. it seems to have an excellent reputation and is a great value. thanks! what do i need to be careful with regarding epson salt baths. i just happened to have bought some epson salts for our baths.

  7. Lisa and Jennifer,
    i'd love to hear what you use epsom salts for specifically. You said, "detoxing" Lisa? What exactly are you detoxing? I use to use them when I was training, I'd soak in them and they took away a lot of pain I had but other than that not sure of the use. Love to hear your guys thoughts on the topic, thanks!

  8. Jennifer... I don't want to start a panic or anything near... however, i just heard that there are traces of mercury in certain maybe all epsom salts. (( GASP )) which is is upsetting because of how epsom salt bath soaks work... or what you are trying to achieve through a "soak". I have personally not had time yet to do research. This being said i know that kirkman labs sells a mercury free magnesium sulfate cream which is on my list to try this summer. we have been using epsom salts in our baths for a long long time and seen positive results...i would maybe check with your pediatrician/ do i am going to

  9. been using the badger sunscreen the last week...a lot. And it's working awesomely from what I can tell. I really like the scent, smells like lavender, and no one has gotten burned. My hubbby who is pale and will burn with sunscreen, wore it on his forehead and the top of his head yesterday while at the arts festival, receding hairline and all. Nothing! No burn at all. The kids too with their white skin, nothing. I'm sticking to this one for a while. The only thing, it is somewhat a challenge to not have a white hue after applying this but I don't care and it's not that obvious imo.
